Change Bash Prompt

Posted by Dave Eddy on Sep 20 2010

I configured the prompt to have a more custom feel on my servers, by adding the following line to my ~/.bashrc file.

Mike originally gave me the code, I just modified it to change the colors and the layout, check out his site at


To use this prompt design, add this line to your ~/.bashrc file.

PS1='\[\]\u\[\]@\[\][\h]\[\]:\[\]\w/\[\]\$\[\] '

Ampache Now Playing (Wordpress Plugin)

Posted by Dave Eddy on Sep 20 2010

Ampache Now Playing at


The Ampache Now Playing (Wordpress Plugin) is a plugin for Wordpress that displays the current song playing on your Ampache server.


This module can pull information about the current playing song from an Ampache server via it’s RSS feed, and display it as a widget. It can pull the song title, album, and artist, the date the song was played, and from what user agent the song is being streamed to (ie, ampache web interface, iphone, android, etc.).


Ampache Now Playing (Drupal Module)

Posted by Dave Eddy on Sep 20 2010

Ampache Now Playing at


The Ampache Now Playing (Drupal Module) is, like the name suggests, a module for Drupal that displays the current song playing on your Ampache server.


This module can pull information about the current playing song from an Ampache server via it’s RSS feed, and display it in a block. It can pull the song title, album, and artist, the date the song was played, and from what user agent the song is being streamed to (ie, ampache web interface, iphone, android, etc.).


Fireworks from the 4th

Posted by Dave Eddy on Jul 09 2010


I snapped this picture with my iPhone 3Gs. It wasn’t quite good enough to submit to gizmodo like my friend over at though. I was actually surprised at the quality of this shot taken with my phone, I just wish there was a way to adjust the shutter speed with the iPhone! maybe with the iPhone 5…

Clouds on the fourth

Posted by Dave Eddy on Jul 09 2010


I took this shot with my iPhone 3GS on the 4th. This was right before the sun went down and the fireworks started. I’m still surprised everytime I take a picture with my phone that the quality is as high a it is.

The Reign of Kindo - This is what happens

Posted by Dave Eddy on Jul 06 2010

The Reign of Kindo is releasing their new album, “This is what happens”, early august of this year. Check out samples on Amazon of their upcoming album! It sounds awesome so far. I probably won’t be in Buffalo for the release show so i’m going to just have to preorder my album and hope that it gets here in time for the show. Check them out!

Ampache m4a Track Numbers Fix

Posted by Dave Eddy on Jun 25 2010

I found a problem with Ampache when retrieving the track numbers for m4a files. I found a quick hack here that can fix this problem, and allow Ampache to get the actual track number for each song, rather than saying that every song has a track number of 0.

For those who just want the code, you have to edit {ampachewebdir}/lib/class/vainfo.php. Open this file, and find the get_info() function, and paste this at the bottom above the line unset($this->_raw);.

if($this->tags['quicktime']['track']==0) {
	$this->tags['quicktime']['track']=exec('faad -i '.escapeshellarg($this->filename).' 2>&1 |grep track: |cut "-d " -f2',$retval);