Replace Glass With Wood Shelves

Posted by Dave Eddy on Mar 07 2018 - tags: diy

I got this shelf piece sometime around 2012 when I was living in California from a consignment shop in Burlingame. It’s been a great piece and has worked well, but as more and more wood pieces have made their way into my house, this piece has started to stick out. I decided to, in the same fashion as the Ikea Patio Table Wood Top, replace the glass shelf with wooden ones.


Persistent ssh-agent on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Posted by Dave Eddy on Oct 18 2017 - tags: tech

After installing Bash on Ubuntu on Windows I realized some interesting side effects related to how processes and daemons in the Unix environment are handled. Running a process in the background, or daemonizing a process, will work so long as there is a Bash session open on Windows. Once the last window is closed, all of the processes are cleaned up and killed.

I use ssh keys for authentication when connecting to remote servers which requires the use of ssh-agent. I can run this program manually and it will work so long as there is at least one bash session running on my computer, but once I close the last window the ssh-agent is killed and my keys are unloaded. I’ve found a couple guides online regarding ssh-agent and WSL specifically, but most of them assume the keys you are using are not password protected.

To remedy this situation, I managed to find a way to create a hidden terminal session that runs ssh-agent in foreground mode when I login to my computer which persists through sleeps and hibernations. This way, ssh-agent will run and stay running from the moment I login until the moment I logout (which is almost never, unless I reboot).


Install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Posted by Dave Eddy on Oct 17 2017 - tags: tech

Last week I made a big change in my life. In 2008, I switched off of using Windows (and even Linux) as my main Operating System for my laptop and haven’t looked back… until this year. Last week I finally made the jump and bought a Microsoft Surface Pro.


I wanted something like an iPad, but that didn’t feel like a crippled version of a computer. Instead, I wanted something that was a powerful computer that could double as a tablet (touchscreen and removable keyboard mostly).

Note: Some, if not all, of this guide may be deprecated with the release of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update in 2017.


New Music Website - Pay What You Want

Posted by Dave Eddy on Jul 26 2017 - tags: music

Dedicated Music Site -

Three years ago I released my first album Memories. This album was recorded from 2008 to 2012, and contains songs written from as early as 2006. The recordings were resurrected, mastered, and finalized in 2014. Most of these songs were composed in college, with a few done in high school and some after college as well.

I uploaded this album to BandCamp, SoundCloud, and iTunes. Since then, I’ve made a lot more music that I’ve uploaded to SoundCloud, as well as randomly to my YouTube channel. While these sites and services have been great, in the last 3 years I’ve identified 3 main issues I have using them.

1. Cost

I pay a yearly fee to have my album hosted on iTunes as well as other services (spotify, etc.) using TuneCore. I pay a yearly fee to SoundCloud to have as many tracks as I have uploaded to them. And, while I don’t pay a yearly fee to BandCamp, I do pay a percentage of any of the proceeds I make from my album sales (which has been nothing in the last 2.5 years). In the last 2 years I’ve made around $3.00 from my music, and have paid over $100.00 in hosting fees.

I don’t mind paying for good service - and these services are great! But when it comes down to it, I’m just not that popular of an artist, and I don’t make much money off of music - certainly not enough to cover these costs. Part of the cost, of course, is for them to store and serve my music files over the Internet, which brings me to my next point:


Indoor Wood Railing with Metal Balusters

Posted by Dave Eddy on Jun 09 2017 - tags: diy

When I moved into my house, the closest thing to a railing it had was a folded piece of cardboard that just stood by the stairs. My Mom always complained to me that I needed a railing, and that someone could seriously hurt themselves… it just took me a couple years to do anything about that warning :p.

I decided to build a railing myself with a dark stained wood and black metal balusters.


DIY CD Wall Rack

Posted by Dave Eddy on May 29 2017 - tags: diy

I moved the Mug Rack I built recently which freed up some wall space. I decided to build a CD rack to hang on the wall so I could have a place to display my collection instead of hiding them in a closet.